Sage Inventory Advisor

Spending too much time worrying about your inventory?

Take back control with Sage Inventory Advisor, a cloud-based solution that takes as little as 30 minutes to implement and is accessible on your mobile device.
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"Sage Inventory Advisor dramatically speeds up our forecasting process and makes it more reliable and more accurate. It is helping us prevent stock outs without overstocking and it has reduced the time I spend on monthly forecasting tasks from 40 hours to just one hour."

—Gael J.B. Orr, Communications Manager, Once Again Nut Butter

For as little as $1991 per month, you can take back control of your inventory.

Replacing manual systems and processes with automated alternatives is key to taking the first step towards inventory optimization. Sage Inventory Advisor utilizes the simplicity of cloud-based deployment to help manufacturers, distributors, and retailers:

  • Leverage the power of big data
  • Accurately forecast
  • Improve profitability

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Inventory optimization and the informed business

Imagine how much more efficiently you could manage your inventory if you could continuously monitor levels and set alerts that let you know when you need to take action.

Become an Informed Business

Strike a balance between too much and not enough.

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Discover how to right-size inventory levels.

Sage Inventory Advisor is a secure, cloud-based subscription service that helps you reduce stock outs, excess inventory, and working capital. And it's affordable, fast to implement, and connects directly to your Sage ERP solution.

Watch the video

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Improve fill rates by 2%-10% and reduce stock outs.

Analyze real-time sales and inventory data to produce quality forecasts, reduce the time spent on manual tasks, and solve for the optimal investment required to achieve target fill rates that reduce stock outs.

Success Story: How one company all but eliminated stock outs
Hubert Oil and Gas is just one customer who uses Sage Inventory Advisor to reduce working capital and free up cash

Reduce working capital and free up 15%-20% of cash that's tied up in inventory.

Resolve problems before they start—monitor product levels according to metrics of your choice; this will help you know exactly what to buy and when.

How one customer saved $300,000 | Watch the video
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Reduce time spent on forecasting by 50% and save money.

Modernize your forecasting—Sage Inventory Advisor can automatically receive and transmit your forecast data. Focus your efforts on analyzing your data, not manually pulling it together.

Receive Sage Business Care with your subscription
Take the Sage Inventory Advisor Inventory Assessment

Maintaining optimal inventory levels depends on many moving parts coming together.

How do your numbers stack up?

Take the assessment

Videos and Webcasts

Duration: 7:53


Product Tour

View a short product demo on how Sage Inventory Advisor can automate your inventory processes saving you time, money and headache.

Keep your inventory under control with Sage Inventory Advisor

Duration: 43:02


Introduction to Sage Inventory Advisor

Are you experiencing inventory stock-outs? Do you struggle with excess inventory? Learn how Sage Inventory Advisor can help you with these common inventory challenges. Register for an upcoming webcast that includes a 20 minute demo and time for questions and answers.

View recorded webcast

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  1. One-time setup and implementation fee not included. Setup and implementation starts at $2,250. Monthly subscription fees vary based on a company’s net inventory book value (NBV) at month’s end.
Nexus: G-WEBCD3